Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What to say, what to say...

I suppose I should start with a brief introduction. I’m Katie. This coming fall will be my last at WKU and then I’m out into the wide world. I’m an anthropology major and a Women’s Studies and Political Science minor. My parents taught me from a young age the importance of protecting our environment (Fern Gully was my favorite movie when I was little). Because I was raised this way, it has always confused and amazed me as to how people can destroy our world the way they do. I’ve been reading blogs for a long time and I even helped start a blog for the Global AIDS Alliance when I interned with them, but I’ve never written my own blog so this should be interesting.
When I started reading Silent Spring what really struck me is that these ideas Rachel Carson is proposing were at one time revolutionary: “Of course DDT is bad, that’s why it’s illegal”, etc, etc. So why then are we reading this book? Then it hit me. I was reading a couple posts from some of my favorite blogs (http://www.feministing.com/archives/016337.html, http://www.feministing.com/archives/016330.html, http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2009/06/facts-schmacts.html) in which they were talking about the debate surrounding global warming and climate change and that debate is strangely similar. Big corporations, politicians, and wealthy citizens that benefit from our disgraceful environmental standards are fighting to keep them that way while the poor and disadvantaged are suffering the consequences. Just because the facts presented in Carson’s book are “old news” doesn’t mean the struggle is over.